Cruthú is a game created by Candlelit Tales that encourages children create their own magical land and to write it's epic origin story through imagination and game play. My role was to create moving images for the explanation video that premiered on Cruinniú na nÓg at The Civic Theatre.
The magic "Creation Tree" is all there ever was, until the world was spoken into existence by the players of the game using "Creation Magic"
Collaborative project with storytelling theatrical group Candlelit Tales commissioned by The Civic Theatre and premiered at Cruinniú na Nóg 2022. During two workshops with primary school children we guided the kids to write their own epic fantasy tale through game play. My role was to design their characters and settings, and then create a 10 minute animation narrated and scored by Candlelit Tales.
Some clips from the film
Animation Stills
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